Tumi Molekane- Yvonne Lyrics
They say a thin skinned drum
Makes the loudest beat
I am fairly grounded amidst the bullshit
My harvest is sweet
I walked passed a crowd of creeps
The type who rob and speak
Like their résumé requested what they do upon the streets
I was adamant that I wouldn’t get
Involved with these ignored them peeps
I just kept my walk discreet
A few blocks later boom!
Sister’s aura is sweet
Initial shock left my heart with a faulting beat
See I could live of yours if my heart stopped for weeks
May I walk with me, I mean you sorry my name is Tumi
Omar Salih when I am prying to the maker of your beauty
Couldn’t help but admire what’s your name little cutie?”
She said ‘I am in a rush thus don’t be a fuss
I mean for fucks sakes I need to catch the bus” “wait
It must be fate you sway to the soundless rhythms
Of club deejays, I don’t normally do this
But I don’t commonly view this
Sisters in the city got a thing for playing nudist
And you are fully dressed truly next to odd
So I pursue it give me your name and number
Where you been last summer
I know your world eagerly welcomes new comers
Come on!’ I grabbed her by the wrist and went on
“Forget the bus you look like you like the loud type
The fist in the air the fat black and lovely proud type
That’s me Tumi at your service with a purpose
I can play Biko and make white people nervous
Besides the taxi is cheaper
Damn it’s good to meet ya, come on!
Do I really have to ask again sweetheart?”
“Okay for goodness please hears my number get off your knees
My name’s Yvonne look man I really have to leave”
And with that I added more bounce to my stroll
I couldn’t wait two days
I went home and made the call
“Hallo, can I talk to that pumpkin Yvonne?”
“She got raped this afternoon she can’t come to the phone”