Lyrics For Maye Umphefumlo Wam (Oh My Soul) By Thobeka Mahlangu (Joyous Celebration 23)
(Sung in Zulu)
Njengendluzela ng’yomel’ amanzi
(As the deer pants for water)
Umphefumlo wam’ womele wena
(So my soul longs for You) (Repeat)
Umoya wami uyakudinga
(My spirit needs You)
Uyakudinga! Uyakundinga! Uyakundinga!
(It needs You! It needs You! It needs You!)
Impilo yami, uyakudinga
(My life needs You)
Uyakudinga! Uyakundinga! Uyakundinga!
(It needs You! It needs You! It needs You!)
Maye! oh maye (My, oh my!)
Womile umphefumlo wam’
(My soul thirsts) (Repeat)
Maye, oh maye (My, oh my!)
Ng’ngcwalise ngikhala kuwe
(Fill me up, I cry to You) (Repeat)