![Joyous Celebration – Siyahamba Ngomoya Lyrics](https://kasilyrics.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/images-1-7-256x256.jpeg)
Lyrics For Siyahamba Ngomoya By Joyous Celebration
(Sung in Zulu)
Response: Ded’ Ded’ Ded’ endleleni yamakholwa (Make way for the believers)
Ded’ Ded’ Ded’ endleleni yamakholwa (Make way for the believers)
Suk’ endleleni yamakholwa (Get out of the way of the believers)
Hamb’ endleleni yamakholwa (Walk in the way of the believers)
Suk’ endleleni yamakholwa (Get out of the way of the believers)
Iyaho helele mama iyaho x? ([joyful sound])
Suk’ endleleni yamakholwa (Get out of the way of the believers)
Hamb’ endleleni yamakholwa (Walk in the way of the believers)
Thina sihamba ngomoya (The Holy Spirit leads us)
Ngomoya, ngomoya, ngomoya (The Holy Spirit)
Thina sihamba ngomoya (The Holy Spirit leads us) x2 (Repeat)
Umoya uyakhuluma, uth’ asithandaz’ umoya,(The Holy Spirit Speaks, )
Ngomoya, ngomoya, ngomoya(By the Holy Spirit)
Uth’ uthasithandaz’ umoya (He’s praying for us, the Holy Spirit) x2
Ngomoya, ngomoya, ngomoya(By the Holy Spirit)
Uth’ asihlabelel’ umoya(The Spirit says that we do not sing)
Ngimbone yen’ ongithandayo(I saw that You love me)
Ngihlale naye uMfeli wam’ (I abide in Him, the One who died for me) (Repeat)
Ngihube khona igam’ elisha(I sing a new song)
Lokudumisa iNkosi yam’ (In praise of You, my Lord) (Repeat)