Lyrics For Akhona Amandla By Joyous Celebration 24
(Sung in Zulu)
Akhon’ amandla, aphilisayo (There’s Power of Healing)
Sekufik’ amandla, akhululayo (The Power of deliverance has arrived)
Sekugcwele amandla, usekhona umdala wezinsuku
(The Unfailing Power of the Ancient of Days is here)
Sizwa kunyakaz’ amandla, uJehovah Ukhona la
(Feel the move of Lord’s Power that is here)
Akhona amandla lapha, ayaphilisa nezifo zeminyaka
(There’s Power here to heal generational sickness)
Sekufik’ amandla lapha, ayakhulula agqabula nezibopho
(The Power has come here to loosen bonds and break chains)
Yebo kugcwel’amandla, usekhona ovul’iminyango evaliwe
(Yes, His Unfailing Power is here to open doors)
Kunyakaz’ amandla, ujehova ukhona la (It’s a moving Power, The Lord is here)
Akhonamandla lapha (There’s Power here)
Usefikile usmakade uyazelapha zonke izifo (God is here to heal every sickness)
Akhonamandla lapha (There’s Power here)
Ayakhulula ayagqabula amaketangango obumnyama
(The chains of darkness are loosened)
Lalela, kulendawo kugcwel’ amandla, usekhona uJehova igama lakhe
(Listen, The Unfailing Power of the Name of the Lord is in this place)
Lalela, sizwa nje kunyakaz’ amandla
(Listen, we feel The Power moving)
Us’makade ukhona la (God is in this place)
Akhona amandla (There is Power)
Akhonamandla lapha (There’s Power here)
Kugcwel’ amandla (Unfailing Power)
Kunyakaz’ amandla (The Power is moving)
UJehovah Ukhona la (The Lord is here)
Akhon’ amandla (There is Power)
Kugcwel’ amandla (Unfailing Power)
Kunyakaz’ amandla (The Power is moving)
UJehovah ukhona la (The Lord is here) (Repeat)
Akhona amandla, thatha nansinkululeko
(There’s Power that brings freedom)
Kunyakaz’ amandla, us’makade ukhona la
(The Power is moving, God is here)
Akhona amandla okwelapha lesosifo sakho
(There’s Power that heals your disease)
Akhona amandla okukhulula lowomsebenzi wakho
(There’s Power that is working to set you free)
Akhona amandla ukhona uS’makade, ukhona uS’makade
(There’s a Power, God is in this place, God is here)
Ukhona uSmakade, ukhona uSmakade lapha
(God is here, God is here right now)