Lyrics: Joyous Celebration – Ngithemba Wena Lyrics
Lyrics to Ngithemba Wena by Joyous Celebration
Ngingenakukhathala endleleni yami.
Empilweni yam ngashintsh’ ukwenza.
Wafika Jesu wangisindisa.
Ingakho ngihlabelela ngithi
Ngithemba wena, ngithemba wena.
Ngempilo yami
Ngomoya nangengqondo yami.
Ngithemba wena
Laph’ uSathane esefikile.
Asengigax’ unoxhaka
Wafika Jesu wangikhulula.
Ingako ngihlabelela ngithi
After all things have been said and done
Know in you I’m safe and covered
All for I am victorious
The devil holds no power
Lord I trust You, Lord I trust You
With all my heart.
With all my mind and with all my soul.
Lord I trust