Leonard Zhakata – Mugove Lyrics

Vakuru woye ndipeiwo kamukana kangu     Leaders, please give me an opportunity

Inga vaye vaye vaye                                                           Those who got a chance to get to the top

Vakawana mukana wekuvepo pamsoro            Who were lucky enough to get to the top

Vakaita mhanza yekukwirepo pamsoro             Who got the chance to get to the top

Vakuchitora mukana uyu sehuchenjeri            They consider this opportunity as cleverness

Votanga kutsikirira varipasi varipasi                 Now they oppress those below them

Votanga kutsikirira varipasi

Votanga kusvipira varipasi                                 They spit on those below them

Kuzvirova dundundu nekuzvitutumadza         Beating their chests and exalting themselves

Ndoti kwete apa vachenjeri marasika                                No, they are doing wrong


Kana wakabarwa semunhu wese                       If you were born like everyone else

Kana wakadonharukuvhute semunhu wese    If you came from your mum’s womb like


Pamsoro wese wakati chekecheke nenyika yese            It is clear

Usazvinyepere usazvifadze nenhema                               Don’t lie, don’t fool yourself

Usazvinyapere uchizviita mukoya zvose         Taking yourself to be invincible


Vaye vaye vaunotsikirira                                    Those you oppress

Vaye vaye vaunodzvimyirira                                              Those you tread upon

Kuchema kwavo munamato mukuru kumatenga They pray to the heavens

Ende hakuna anoziva mhinduro                        No-one knows the answer

Nyangwe nemusi wainouya                                               Or the day it will come


Kana paine pamakandichengetera baba           There is a share reserved for me

Ndokumbirawo mugove wangu                         Please give me my share

Ndichiri kurarama tenzi tarirai                             While I am still alive

Ndosakadzwa sechipfeko nevanemari              The rich are oppressing me

Ndisina changuwo                                                               I don’t have anything

Tinongotsikirirwa tichingodzikirirwa                                We are oppressed and stepped upon

Tinongoshandiswa nhando                                               We are being ill-treated

Tichingofondotswa                                                             Being made to labor


Amai vangu vanoda kutendawo                       My mother wants to thank me

Havachaziva nekudetemba mutupo wango     She has forget how to praise my totem

Ndovapeiko amai vangu vagonditendawo      What shall I give her

Maita moyo ndizvo maitaka                                               So she can thank me

Vadzimba maitaka veshungu                                              Thank me through my totem

VaRozvi vakapera nenda                                    My totem



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