Lefu la hao la mahlomola Hymn Lyrics

Lefu la hao la mahlomola Hymn Lyrics

Lefu la hao la mahlomola

Lefu la hao la mahlomola
le ntshoabisitse, Morena
U lahlehetsoe ke ho phela
Bakeng sa libe tsa rona

Lefatshe la na la makala
Ha le bona u timela
Letsatsi la na la fifala
Bakhethuoa ba hao ba lla

Uena a neng a re hlabetsoe
Jesu, Konyan’a Molimo
Mali a hao a ke a ntlhatsoe
A mpulele leholimo

Lerato la hao le makatse
Le hlomole pelo ea ka
U shoetse libe tsa lefatshe
Ak’u be ‘Moloki oa ka!


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