Joyous Celebration 18- Umoya (Praise Medley) Lyrics
Umoya weNkosi wathath’ uHezekiya wam’beka endaweni
[God’s Spirit took Ezekiel and set him in the middle of the valley]
Wajikela ngapha wabon’ amathambo omileyo kakhulu
[He turned this way and saw bones, they were very dry]
Wamemez’ uHezekiya wathi mathambo mathambo hlanganani
[Ezekiel prophesied loudly, saying “dry bones come together!”]
Ash’ amathambo, eza egijima
[Indeed I had a rattling sound, the bones came together]
Umoya kaJehova uyavuselela
[The Spirit of Jehova revives]
Khuluma nalesimo iNkosi inamandla
[Talk to that situation, the Lord has the power]
Ungithatha la
[He takes me from here]
Angibeke le
[And places me there]
UJesu unobubele ngam
[Jesus keeps lifting me up]