Insingizi- Ngizombambelela Lyrics
(I Will Hold On)
(Sung in Ndebele)
‘Zombambelela kusomandla (I will hold onto the Lord)
Ngoba nguy’umdali wento zonke (For He is the creator of all)
Ngizozifihla kusomandla (I will hide myself in the Lord)
Ngoba nguye olothando lonke (For He has all the love)
Uthando lakhe lujulile (His love is pure)
Ngoba lumnadi (And wonderful)
Uthando lwakhe lujulile (His love is pure)
Alupheli loluthando (And never ending)
Lujulile Ngoba lumnadi (Pure and wonderful)
Lujulile alupheli loluthando (Pure nd wonderful)