Hellen Ken – Sitarudi (I Won’t Return) Lyrics
Sitarudi kuwa vile (I shall not rever)
Kwa uwezo wake roho (With the Holy Spirit’s might)
Mimi nakataa kudharauliwa (I refuse to be despised)
Nakataa maisha ya chini x2 (I refuse poverty)
Kwani Baba amenikumbuka (Because Father has remembered me)
Baba amenikumbuka (Father has remembered me)
Mimi ni mbarikiwa x3 (I am blessed)
Huu ni mwaka wa Bwana (This is the year of the Lord)
Amenitendea mengi (He has done many things for me)
Na hisi moyoni mwangu (I feel in my heart)
Bwana amenikumbuka (That the Lord has remembered me)
Mwaka jana niliteseka (Last year I suffered)
Sitarudi pale tena (I shall not return there again)
Ewe baba/ndugu umeteseka (You dad/brother you’ve suffered)
Huu ni mwaka wa Bwana (This is the year of the Lord)
Baba amekukumbuka (Father has remembered you)
Hakuna mateso tena (No more suffering)
Ya kale yamepita (The old has passed away)
Usirudi kule tena (Do not return there again)
Refrain 2:
Hautarudi Kuwa vile (You will not return to the way you were)
Baba mekukumbuka (Father has remembered you)
Kwani wewe ni mbarikiwa (Because you are blessed)
Uliachwa bila makao (You have been left with no shelter)
Mama yangu usilie (Mother do not cry)
Jehova Shalom ametenda (The Lord of peace has done great things)
Amerejesha amani (He has returned peace)
Hautarudi pale tena (You shall not return there again)
Baba amekukumbuka (Father has remembered you)
(Refrain 2)