Chris Chameleon- Terms of endearment Lyrics
like an old watch, tick tock, up against the wall
in the silence of my sombre home
I lose an hour in every minute with you
and feel my eyes break
In this crimson safe
from the red rivers of my love blind eyes
drips the salt of the earth from my brain
and in spite of my curse and my remonstrance
I feel my watery existense siphon away in the sand of knowledge
and I think I think too much
and the good and the bad have been weighed against one another
and, you guessed it, the bad outweighs the other
and the mouth of the listener’s a muting clench
and I gag in the vomit of my revenge.
and prejudice is the name of prophesy
shimmering golden love rises from the sea
and I know, for I’ve been taught:
a closed hand cannot receive
but needn’t give
and I give, too much and sometimes too little
darling of my heart, do you know where my heart is?
darling of my sorrow, where are my sorrows?
and darling, do you realise that I’ve been bound by letters?
and darling do you know there’s a safety pin in my lip,
I’m silent as a stone.
and love of my heart
if love were a stone
i’d be sand in your hourglass.