Call to Worship- Mwari Muri Zuva Redu (God You Are Our Light) Lyrics
(Sung in Shona – A Hymn)
Mwari muri zuva redu (God you are our light)
Rinopenya pauzuru (You shine from Heaven)
Asi mweya ungaone (So that we may see)
Paunozofamba napo (And walk in it’s glory) (Repeat)
Mwari muri nhowo yedu (God you are our shield)
Hatidzitye hondo dzedu (So we do not fear any battle)
Dzose dzino kundwa nemi (For you fight for us)
Tigouya nekufara (And we to rejoice) (Repeat)
Munotipa ngoni dzenyu (He is compassionate)
Munotipa neutsvene (He is righteous)
Munopa vanonamata (He gives us our worship)
Munopa makomborero (He gives us our blessings) (Repeat)
Makomborero makuru (Abundant blessings)
Makomborero edenga (Immeasurable blessings)
Ariko avanofunga (He is always by your side)
Kuti Vanodiswa nemi (And that He desires you) (Repeat)