Lyrics For Bonang Ho Hlahile Maru (Behold Our Savior at the Clouds) Hymn Sung by Simon Makgatholela
(Sung in Sotho – A Hymn)
Bonang, ho hlahile marung (Behold is our savior at the clouds)
Ea shoetseng batho khale (Who died for us long ago)
O tla khutla leholimong (He will come back from heaven)
Ho phutha batho bohle (To gather his people)
Bahlabaneli ba Jesu (The followers of Jesus)
Ba bapile le eena (Seek refuge in Him)
Mahlo a bona ke metsu ()
Ba loanela Morena () (Repeat)
Halleluya, Halleluya ()
Lumelang, Halleluya () (Repeat)
Lumelang, bana ba me (Rejoice my children)
Lona bohle ba nthatang (All you who love me)
Sieang mobu, le phahame (Leave the dust and arise)
Tlong ho ‘na atamelang (Come to me, come closer) (Repeat)