Lyrics For Jerusalem Ikhaya Lami By Soweto Gospel Choir
Jerusalem, ikhaya lam’ (Jerusalem is my home)
Endilithandayo (That I love / delight in)
Jerusalem, ikhaya lam’(Jerusalem is my home)
Endilithandayo (That I love / delight in)
Hayi, Wofezwa nin’ umzamo wam? (Oh, when will I complete my efforts?)
Ze ndiphumle kuwe (That I may rest in You)
Hayi, Obona nin’ amehlo am (Oh when will I see with my eyes)
Loo masango mahle (Lo! The beautiful gates)
Nezitrata zegolide (With streets of gold)
Zomzi wosindiso? (That leads to the City of Salvation?)
Tiwo wo …
Hayi, Obona nin’ amehlo am (Oh when will I see with my eyes)
Loo masango mahle(Lo! The beautiful gates)
Nezitrata zegolide (And the streets of gold)
Zomzi wosindiso?(That leads to the City of Salvation?)