Upendo Nkone – Unitetee (Defend Me) Lyrics
Unitetee, unitetee, Bila wewe siwezi unitetee
(Defend me, defend me, without you I cannot so defend me)
Unitetee, unitetee, Bila wewe siwezi unitetee mwokozi wangu
(Defend me, without you I cannot, so defend me my saviour)
Umenituma kufanya kazi yako Baba (You have sent me to do your work Father)
Wengine wanaleta vipingamizi Baba (Others have opposed me Father)
Bila wewe siwezi, unitetee (Without you I can’t, defend me)
Kwa vile ni wewe umenituma Baba (Because you have sent me Father)
Njoo ufanye kazi pamoja nami (Come and work with me)
Pasipo wewe siwezi unitetee mwokozi wangu (Without you I can’t, defend me my saviour)
Mwengine kiuchumi amekwama Baba (Another is stuck economically)
Magonjwa nayo yamemzunguka Yesu (Illness has surrounded him too Jesus)
Nyosha mkono wako Ee Baba umtetee (Stretch your hand Oh Father and defend him)
Kwa kuwa wewe ndiwe mponyaji (Because you are the healer)
Na tena wewe ndiwe wa baraka Baba (And you are the one with the blessings)
Naomba nikuone Baba, umtetee Mwokozi wangu (Let me see you I pray, Defend him my saviour)
Na huyu naye yupo kwenye matatizo (This other person is in trouble)
Mali zake amedhulumiwa (He is wronged even in his possessions)
Amebaki hana kitu, Yesu umtetee (He has remained destitute, Jesus defend him)
Najua wewe ni Mungu wa wanaoonewa (I know you are the God of the oppressed)
Kufa kuwapa haki zao Baba (Father grant them their rights)
Bila wewe hawataweza, uwatetee Baba (Without you they cannot, defend them Father)
Wengine wamefungwa gerezani (Others have been jailed)
Kwa makosa ya kusingiziwa Yesu (Because of false accusations Jesus)
Wewe ni hakimu wa kweli eh, uwapiganie (You are the true judge, fight for them)
Zitazame pia nchi zenye vita (Look at the countries at war)
Amani hakuna wanauana ovyo(They kill each other and have no peace)
Wewe ndiwe Mungu wa wote Yesu uwatetee Mungu mwenye nguvu
(You are God over all, Jesus you are a mighty God – defend them)
(Chorus) – “Defend them…”
Mapito yangu Baba ni magumu sana (My path is hard Father)
Mambo mengi yaumiza roho yangu (Many things grieve my heart)
Bila wewe siwezi unitetee (Without I cannot, defend me)
Kwa kuwa wewe Yesu ulishinda (Because you conquered all Jesus)
Na mimi pia nitashinda (And I shall also overcome)
Bado ninakaza mwendo ee Yesu unitetee, unitie nguvu
(I am still pressing on, Jesus defend me, strengthen me)