Rosy Ohon – Nibariki (Bless Me) Lyrics

Nibariki, nibariki (Bless me, bless me)
Nibariki Baba leo, nibariki (Bless today Father, bless me) (Repeat)

Baba naomba, leo unibariki (Father today I pray that you bless me)
Sitatoka hapa, mpaka unibariki (I shall not leave here until you bless me)
Nahitaji baraka zako (I need your blessings)
Ndio naomba unibariki (So I pray that you bless me)
Sina mwingine, wa kunibariki (I don’t have another to bless me)
Ila ni wewe, Baba yangu (Only you my Lord)


Baba naomba,leo uniguse (Father I pray that you touch me today)
Nitabadilika, na uguso wako (I shall be changed by your touch)
Shusha nguvu zako, ee Baba uniguse (Release your power to touch me Father)
Hakuna mwingine wa kunigusa (There’s no one else to touch me)
Ila ni wewe Bwana wangu (Only you my Lord)

Nuguse, niguse (Touch me, touch me)
Niguse Baba leo, Niguse (Touch me today Father) (Repeat)

Baba naomba leo uniponye (Father I pray that you heal me today)
Nahitaji uponyaji wako, Baba unisikie (I need your healing today, hear my prayer)
Ona machozi yangu, ee baba uniponye (Look at my tears, oh Father heal me)
Hakuna mwingine wa kuniponya (There’s no one else that can heal me)
Ila ni wewe Bwana wangu (Only you my Lord)

Niponye, niponye (Heal me, heal me)
Niponye, Baba leo, niponye (Heal me today Father, heal me) (Repeat)

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