Emmanuel Jal – Gua Lyrics


Teth loida nangua shegua
keo bi Sudan shuop
Keo bi Sudan shuop
An bi pio miet apey
Na bi koech ru thuk panda
Na bi koech ru leou panda
Teth loida nangua shegua

Verse 1
Kede steni steni ni faker faker
Cafe baled lo can fi salam
Kede ganu genu ni salu salu
Farah kabir a yekuon fi Sudan
Yarobi asma coraktana
Yarobi asma salatana

Dare gua dare gua
Thil madefarkje
Eke shangode oh teh mal thorah
Keoh thil ramah de nyuman nyo ke mai ke match
Kah thil ramah de yande nyokah mai
Kah thil ramah deh mai door ke boeth
En nomomo thil ma de farke
Keo deh nah lui thoran
Kah denah thoran tath thil ma de parkeja
I can’t wait for that day
An leu bi piu miat eret
Lo bi koech ro pink pandid e sudan

Verse 2 (English)
Just hold on a minute, let’s think for a minute
How Sudan will be with peace for a minute?
Our hands will be raised, our God will be praised
Oh my God I can’t wait for that day
When my people
Will plant seed in their land
When my people
Will be free in their land
When my people…

I can’t wait, I can’t wait for that day
When I will see no more tears, no more fear, no cry,
No tribalism, nepotism and racism in my motherland
I can’t wait for that day
When the wonderful people go back home
And plan their nation in this generation
I can’t wait to see that day

Verse 3
Jen waidah mah she shuop deh loidah teth
Elong keo guaa mah sheakenommo
Bi ngane ngach ah bi ouh thil leah kah
Bi hou thil bouch en wano bane uh lat nah
Waidan ke tet kel ke loch kel ke puony
Kel ke riem kel kah wano bah kon luoth
A weitah oh kian Sudanese bane kel keoh
De gat kon guar e wano e kon neitah gow
I hope we can do this


I will be so happy
When there’s peace in Sudan
When people come back to Sudan,
My heart will be filled with joy
When people can go back home
When people will be able to support themselves in their homeland

Verse 1
Oh wait, wait, let’s think
Think how it would be
If there was peace in Sudan
Let’s sing.
Sing: ‘Oh my Lord
Hear our prayer
Hear our prayer
It will be so good
When there’ll be peace
In my homeland, Sudan
Not one sister will be forced into marriage
And not one cow will be taken by force
And not one person will starve from hunger again
I can’t compare to anything
The time when people will understand each other
And there’s peace in my homeland, Sudan

Verse 2
Just hold on a minute, let’s think for a minute
How Sudan will be with peace for a minute?
Our hands will be raised, our God will be praised
Oh my God I can’t wait for that day
When my people
Will plant seed in their land
When my people
Will be free in their land
When my people…

I can’t wait, I can’t wait for that day
When I will see no more tears, no more fear, no cry,
No tribalism, nepotism and racism in my motherland
I can’t wait for that day
When the wonderful people go back home
And plan their nation in this generation
I can’t wait to see that day

Verse 3
When there will be peace I will be truly happy
At that moment there will be no more death
No more hunger and we shall rebuild our land
The whole world will respect us
And we shall rebuild our land
With one hand, one heart, with one blood, one body
Because we are one
And Sudan’s future shall be promising
Children will go to school,
I hope we can do this

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